wtorek, 27 marca 2012
czwartek, 22 marca 2012
A few words about...part 3.
Kolejna część niezbędnych informacji każdej fanki mody :) Zastanawialiście się co oznacza pojęcie "Pret-a-porter"? Już wyjaśniam. Otóż jest to określenie kolekcji, które produkowane są masowo, z dostępem do każdego. Natomiast nie ma możliwości, by były uszyte na zamówienie. Dotyczy to zarówno ubrań, jak i kosmetyków. Najbardziej znanymi przedstawicielami są Marc Jacobs i Donna Karan. Przeciwieństwem pret-a-porter jest haute couture, o którym już wspominałam w osobnym poście.
Next section of the necessary information of every fan of the fashion:) you thought what the notion was determining "Pret-a-porter"? I am already explaining. So this determining collections which are being mass-produced, is with the access to everyone. However he isn't able so that they are made to order. It is regarding both clothes, and cosmetics. Marc Jacobs and Donna Karan are the most well-known representatives. With opposite pret-a-porter there is a high fashion which I already mentioned in the separate fast.
Next section of the necessary information of every fan of the fashion:) you thought what the notion was determining "Pret-a-porter"? I am already explaining. So this determining collections which are being mass-produced, is with the access to everyone. However he isn't able so that they are made to order. It is regarding both clothes, and cosmetics. Marc Jacobs and Donna Karan are the most well-known representatives. With opposite pret-a-porter there is a high fashion which I already mentioned in the separate fast.
poniedziałek, 19 marca 2012
How are u?
Hej! :) Praca nad blogiem totalnie mnie pochłonęła! Tematy wybieram z kilkudniowym wyprzedzeniem, a każdy staram się dokładnie opracować. Teraz przyszło mi do głowy coś jeszcze. Jeśli jest jakiś temat, o którym chcielibyście poczytać, dowiedzieć się czegoś nowego- piszcie w komentarzach o swoich oczekiwaniach. Obiecuję, że postaram się zrealizować Wasze pomysły.
Życzę Wam bardzo miłego dnia! :)
Hi!:) the work on the blog totally preoccupied me! I am choosing subjects with the several days' advance, and every I am trying exactly to draw up. Now something still came to my mind. If there is some subject, about which you would like to read, to learn for some reason new- write in comments on their expectations. I promise that I will try to fulfil your ideas.
I wish you the very nice day!:)
Życzę Wam bardzo miłego dnia! :)
Hi!:) the work on the blog totally preoccupied me! I am choosing subjects with the several days' advance, and every I am trying exactly to draw up. Now something still came to my mind. If there is some subject, about which you would like to read, to learn for some reason new- write in comments on their expectations. I promise that I will try to fulfil your ideas.
I wish you the very nice day!:)
czwartek, 15 marca 2012
The best from River Island.
Ostatnio postanowiłam zapoznać się z wiosennymi kolekcjami, żeby wiedzieć na co zbierać pieniądze ;)
To żart, oczywiście, jednak nic nie przyciąga tak uwagi, jak wiosenne płaszcze i kolorowe spodnie. River Island lubiłam od zawsze. Ubrania są tam niepowtarzalne, modne i przede wszystkim dobrej jakości! Trudno było zrobić selekcję zdjęć...uwierzcie mi, to "największe" minimum :)
Recently I decided to see spring collections in order to know for to collect money;)
It is a joke, of course, however nothing is paying attention this way, like spring coats and colour trousers. I liked River Island from always. Clothes are there unique, fashionable and above all of better quality! It was hard to do selection of photographs... believe me, it "biggest" minimum:)
To żart, oczywiście, jednak nic nie przyciąga tak uwagi, jak wiosenne płaszcze i kolorowe spodnie. River Island lubiłam od zawsze. Ubrania są tam niepowtarzalne, modne i przede wszystkim dobrej jakości! Trudno było zrobić selekcję zdjęć...uwierzcie mi, to "największe" minimum :)
Recently I decided to see spring collections in order to know for to collect money;)
It is a joke, of course, however nothing is paying attention this way, like spring coats and colour trousers. I liked River Island from always. Clothes are there unique, fashionable and above all of better quality! It was hard to do selection of photographs... believe me, it "biggest" minimum:)
piątek, 9 marca 2012
środa, 7 marca 2012
Number four.
Zrobiłam sobie kilka dni przerwy, by zebrać materiały do kolejnych postów, ale teraz już jestem i przedstawiam Wam czwartą modelkę w rankingu models.com. Jest nią bardzo charakterystyczna Sasha Pivovarova. Przypomnijcie sobie kampanię H&M- właśnie ona brała w niej udział. Sasha ma 27 lat i pochodzi z Rosji. Pierwszy raz wystąpiła na wybiegu u Prady(!) co dało jej trzyletni kontrakt z tą marką. Niedługo po tym występując na okładce Vogue'a otrzymała miano supermodelki.
I did a few days of the break for myself in order to gather materials for next fasts, but now I am already and I am introducing the fourth model to you in the models.com ranking. That will be very characteristic Sasha Pivovarova . Remind oneself she was just a participation overcome in it the H&M- campaign. Sasha is 27 years old and comes from Russia. For the first time she appeared on the Prada's show (!) what gave her the three-year-old contract with this brand. Soon all over it appearing on the cover Vogue'a received the name of the supermodel.
I did a few days of the break for myself in order to gather materials for next fasts, but now I am already and I am introducing the fourth model to you in the models.com ranking. That will be very characteristic Sasha Pivovarova . Remind oneself she was just a participation overcome in it the H&M- campaign. Sasha is 27 years old and comes from Russia. For the first time she appeared on the Prada's show (!) what gave her the three-year-old contract with this brand. Soon all over it appearing on the cover Vogue'a received the name of the supermodel.
czwartek, 1 marca 2012
W poprzednim poście otrzymaliście zapowiedź, czego możecie oczekiwać w kolejnym. A mianowicie, chciałabym Wam przedstawić moje najnowsze odkrycie. Prabal Gurung- brzmi trochę dziwnie, ale to imię i nazwisko nepalskiego projektanta mody. Zadebiutował bardzo niedawno, bo w 2009 roku. Słyszałam o nim wcześniej, ale dopiero niedawno miałam szansę przyjrzeć się jego najnowszej kolekcji jesień/zima 2012 i jestem po prostu oczarowana! Dawno nie widziałam tak dobrych strojów, materiałów i połączonych ze sobą kolorów. Dla Was przygotowałam te najlepsze:)
In the previous fast you received the announcement what you can expect in next. That is, I would like for you to describe my newest discovery. Prabal Gurung- that sounds a bit strange, but it is a full name of a Nepalese fashion designer. He made his debiut very recently, in 2009. I heard about it earlier, but only recently I had a chance to watch his newest collection autumn/winter 2012 and I am simply enchanted! A long time ago I couldn't see so good dresses, materials and colours combined and oneself. For you I prepared the ones best:)
In the previous fast you received the announcement what you can expect in next. That is, I would like for you to describe my newest discovery. Prabal Gurung- that sounds a bit strange, but it is a full name of a Nepalese fashion designer. He made his debiut very recently, in 2009. I heard about it earlier, but only recently I had a chance to watch his newest collection autumn/winter 2012 and I am simply enchanted! A long time ago I couldn't see so good dresses, materials and colours combined and oneself. For you I prepared the ones best:)
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